January 11 - December 2, 2024 [Online]

Your Divinely Aligned Life

This sacred journey is a portal to your most authentic and fulfilled self.

Unveil the mysteries of your soul and discover your innate desires, gifts, talents, and dreams to embark upon this unique path to your divinely aligned life.

Witness the magic unfold as you break through blocks and manifest the next level of your life.

New Moon Intention Setting Rituals for Spiritual Transformation

The new moon represents pure potential, a sacred time for fresh beginnings. And with each new lunar cycle comes a new zodiac sign, with its own unique themes and energies.

Intuitive Guide and Life Coach Stephanie DelaRose will guide you through these cosmic archetypes as we dive deep into each of the zodiac signs, aligning your intentions to the powerful forces of the universe.

By the end of this transformative year, you will have investigated every aspect of your life and psyche to set intentions in alignment with your true self, and you'll engage in manifestation practices to bring forth your most divinely aligned life.

Over the course of 2024 we will transform...

Career, Friendships, Community, Spirituality, Personal Identity, Self-image, Personal Values, Sensuality, Self-Worth, Finances, Habits, Self-Development, Adventures, Home Life, Family, Creativity, Self-Expression, Romance, Daily Routines, Health, Relationships, Sexuality, Personal Power, Travel, Personal Beliefs, and so much more.


All meeting times at 12pm ET, 9am PT:

Jan 11, 2024
Feb 9, 2024
Mar 11, 2024
Apr 8, 2024
May 8, 2024
Jun 6, 2024
Jul 5, 2024
Aug 5, 2024
Sep 3, 2024
Oct 2, 2024
Nov 1, 2024
Dec 2, 2024

✨ Recordings Available for All 12 Rituals ✨

Every beautiful picture of my life began as a single intention.

🌟 "Your Divinely Aligned Life" is an opportunity to step into a life that's truly meant for you. 🌟

Are you ready to align with your soul's purpose and manifest the life you've always dreamed of?

    This investment is $444

    but by the end of 2024, you’ll realize

    this experience is priceless.

    Join us to create the life of your dreams!